Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 6 Carlsbad Caverns

We had a hearty breakfast in Roswell (aka alien town from Sora) then headed to Carlsbad Caverns for our appointed 10:00 am King Palace Cave tour. IT WAS INCREDIBLE. This has definitely been the best day of this trip so far. I know it is only the start of a lot of cool things, but their are no perfect words to describe it. The tour was about 90 minutes then we wandered around on the self guided walk for another hour or so. The kids did their Junior Ranger packet to receive their badge (Nakai) and patch (Sora). Two Junior Ranger badges/patch in 2 days.
While looking at a stalactite and a stalagmite that were very close to be touching our Ranger guide called them the Frustrated Lovers. Sora said to us with a puzzled look " Frustrated Boogers?" Michelle and I think she might need her hearing checked.

We decided to walk down to the natural entrance and were in awe yet again. The trail is steep, but in good condition so it was pretty safe. We saw a lot of swallows flying in and out of the main entrance. After almost a 1 hour hike down we wound up back in what is called the Big room. If you have not been here we highly suggest visiting. Amazing, wonderful, awesome, beautiful, fascinating, intriguing, and cool are just a few of the words to describe this place.  


This one is called the Lion Tail

Sora thought this one looked like Alligator teeth

This one is called Whale's mouth.

As we rolled into El Paso Texas we were pretty tired after spending almost 7 hours at the caverns. Our total mileage for the day has been 268 miles. Not a long driving day, but a good day for sure.


  1. When we get to finally go on a long road trip you and Nate will have to be our tour guides

  2. What a great blog Michelle! I love this! This makes me think of all the adventures I took with the family when I was Sora & Nakai's age. These are priceless memories! Love ya!

    1. Thanks Nicole. We will keep posting our adventure.
