Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 57 Highway 101 Oregon Coast

We headed out to make our way to the 101 and a few places down the Oregon Coast. Our first stop of the day was Seaside, Oregon. We walked on the beach for a few minutes and this is the 2nd time for being on the west coast this summer. We now have gone coast to coast to coast... After Seaside it was down the road to Oswald West State Park. Michelle and I were here about 11 years ago  and enjoyed it a lot. Today with the kids we saw Sea Stars, Crab parts, a sea urchin, gulls, snails, slugs, and some big trees. Sora had a blast checking out all of the sea stars. She even tried to save a few that looked like they might be dying. She picked them up off of the dry sand and put them in the water or in a moist area.  We saw purple and red stars, live stars, and dead stars. You can't save them all. We didn't see and live crabs, but lots of shells and legs. We all had a good time checking out everything around this little area. It was beautiful.

Leaving Oswald Sora and Nakai were excited, but Sora was still really excited about going to the Tillamook Cheese Factory. It wasn't to far down the road. We got there and it was a madhouse. There were tons of people everywhere. There is a self guided tour that takes you up above the floor were the cheese is cut and packaged. Then you can taste a few pieces of cheese. We left kind of quickly because there were too many people.

Off to a good Linner (lunch + dinner) in Lincoln City. Then down the road to Eugene. After checking in I drove a few miles away to Pre's trail to run a few miles. Now it is time to figure where we are going tomorrow.



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