Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 37 on the move

Drive North to Christiansburg, Virginia. We were originally planning on driving all the way to D.C. area, but last night thought we better go shorter especially if it might be raining all day long. We also needed a clean nice hotel after the cabin. It was a little dirty. We found ants crawling all over the place this morning and thought it good to get out get cleaned up and sleep on a nice bed.
Before we left I took a picture of the cup that Michelle had set out about 24 hours previous. Our rainwater cup had filled up quite a bit. We figure it is a good 3+ inches in about 24 hours. This was only 1 day out of 4 days worth of rain.

After getting to the hotel I was hauling stuff out of the van and saw a huge slug sliming up the ground. We had an o.k. dinner and chilled in the room. Tomorrow wee are headed up to West Virginia to my Aunts house and then into the D.C. area to visit as much as we can there over the next few days.
drinks for tonight

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