Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 33 Charleston to Cherokee

Today was a pretty uneventful day.  We drove about 5 hours today, with a couple of stops for the bathroom and one stop for Dunkin Donuts.  Yum!  It rained off an on during the drive.  When we got to Cherokee we drove around town for a  little while and took a couple pictures.  Then we decided to stop and eat dinner.  I had a fry bread with chili and cheese and Nathan had an Indian taco.  They were ok.  It was raining hard during dinner.

 Nathan was really itchy from his sunburn and it was driving him crazy so we went to get him something to help.  We got 2 different kinds of cream to try to help.  We are all suffering from our sunburns and bug bites.

Hopefully tomorrow we will see some cool stuff and will all feel a bit better.

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