Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 9 Tucson to San Diego

Today was a long drive of 433 miles from Hot Tucson to wonderful San Diego. The temp was about 70 here as opposed to 100+ in Tucson or other places. We decided to go to the beach to show the kids since they have never been to a beach before. It started out a little rough since within the first few minutes in the water Sora wound up falling and getting a little scared. After a change of clothes she wanted to go back in and everything was fine. She was even taunting the waves after a little bit. I had to remind her that she needs to respect the water. The kids had a great time and thought it was awesome. After playing in the Pacific for a few minutes we headed to the hotel to change and go to dinner at a great restaurant. It was called Bali Thai and it was pretty close to the Hotel. It was great. It was very tasty.


     Massaman and Panang Curry Dinner
We started this Journey with 85405 miles on the van. We are now up to 88070. That is a total of 2665 miles at the end of today.
It looks like we are going to LEGOLAND tomorrow.

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