Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 59 Redwoods

Out of Oregon we drove down to the Northern part of the Redwoods by Crescent City, California. We stopped to get Jr. Ranger books for the kids. We drove back into the park to go for a little hike on the Stout Trail. It was really cool, because the trees are humongous. If you haven't seem them you really have no idea how tall and big around they are. I have heard the Sequioa's are bigger and we will find out in a few days when we are there, but today these things were BIG.

This was probably the biggest one we saw today



I think I can lift it for a picture!!!

We headed back to the Park Headquarters for the kids to receive their 17th badge. Instead of them doing the Pledge that they normally do. The lady made an announcement to the 10 people in the small building that there are two more Jr. Rangers. It was cool and different.

JR. Ranger badge #17
In Crescent City we had dinner and are staying at the Bay View Inn. We walked on the rocks near the water and the Lighthouse. It was cool.
Tomorrow we are heading down to Trinidad Beach on advise of Michelle's brother Gary. He and His wife Raeann lived here and know a lot about this area.

Funny for the day...
Nakai and Sora were talking at dinner and She said, "Are you sure this isn't a load of old rubbish?"

"Y" ???

Dream House

Cool crab I saw. Funny thing, it didn't move much...


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