Friday, May 31, 2013


Today we hung out in Cheyenne and reorganized the car a bought a few things that were needed to make the trip easier on all of us. I also went to the High School Graduation of my Niece. Afterward we went over to her grandparents house for a graduation party with food and cake. It was a good time.

Earlier in the day Sora mentioned to Grandma Janet that the State of Wyoming starts with the letter W because it is so windy here. There was also a death of Janet and Jim's fish Gill. Sora said "it's not your fault you killed the fish Grandma."
  This is Michelle working on getting her printer set up. She also made a scrap book page of our first day. She will be working on pages throughout our trip.

Tomorrow we are off to Colorado Springs, Colorado and Garden of the Gods and whatever else.

Goodbye Windyful Wyoming.

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